Research Article part 1

Reinholdt, E., 2019. Architecture Model Making Tutorial Part 1. [online] YouTube. Available at: <; [Accessed 2 April 2020].

The reason why I picked this as part of my research is because I found the video more straightforward and more understandable than reading. Reinhold seemed like a great expert of how to make architecture model with some special tips on how to give a quality look.

On the YouTube site I came across this video, it taught me about the basic steps of creating architectural models. Architectural models are like sketching in 3D. it does not have to be exactly right, is used as an inspiration for the buildings you want to build. The reason why architectural modelling is very important is because the clients love a model because they can pick them up, rotate them and take them apart to see into every angle. It is the perfect way to get the idea of the building in real life, better than than computer modelling because with the computer forces you to make decisions too early. So, you can feel free to create any model and you can move the pieces around to come up with ideas and how you want to display them. Eric Reinholdt the modeller explained when he was at architectural school, he looked forward to learning to make models, and he expected them to teach him how to make the models. They did not, so this made him feel disappointed. He went to the library to search for books on how to make architectural models and he found books that were full of different architecture and their different styles and ways of making architecture such as Neil Denari or Wes Jones (with his detailed mechanical machine architecture).

In the making of architectural models, he used every scrap of material to build the ideas of a basic model, but during his making of the models his favourite material is basswood. it is a flat board that is easy to cut it with a craft knife and when painting over it doesn’t curl up. He cut up a rug to use as a wheat field and he also put it on top of the building roof. I learned that using a craft knife is the best way to cut out flat pieces of basswood, so it can get a nice edge and a ruler helps get a perfect straight line. Using a metal ruler is much better than plastic a ruler so the craft knife would not damage it and slip off the ruler and cut your finger. Cardboard is a very common material that is used a lot in architectural models.

He used a ruler to measure to get the right length and shape as well as cutting the pieces off with a craft knife. However, during the film, I found the method he did was folding where he got a piece of card and measured the length of the shape and then he folded it to make a rectangular shape and he only needed to glue one side to keep the shape. He even talks about thinking of the texture of the material you use, which it is very important for architectural models that help to build the idea of what sort of materials they are going to be made from and the surface pattern.

This video taught me what sort of glue I need to use to make the model. PVA glue takes a long time to dry but it gives time to rearrange the piece, if I am not happy with the first attempt. It gives me some time to move them around before the glue sets . The glue gun works well on some things that PVA glue can’t possibly bond like a tip of the edge which can dry a lot quicker than PVA. However, depending on what sort of material I might be using on in my work and I had to think, which glue is suitable for certain pieces. Also, the only problem with the glue gun is it leaves some stringy strands of glue that make it very messy for architectural models. But what I learn from the video, the method he used is to put the hot tip of the glue gun to remove all the extra glue. Cleaning up the excess makes the model more polished and neater and makes for a professional finished piece.

Finally, in architecture, I need to think of the light and landscape element. It is an important part for the architecture because we need to know the level of the ground floor and where the light will be coming from to make it an even more effective in your architectural model.

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