Research Article part 2

Garden bridge

News, B., 2019. Failed Garden Bridge Project Cost £53M. [online] BBC News. Available at: <; [Accessed 19 April 2020].

I was trying to find out about Mayors and doing a bad job of helping nature to go in my art piece. I found this article, which is a pretty, good example of a Mayor that they do a poor job supporting the environment A project that cast a lot of money and failed.

Boris Johnson was the one who is suggested building a bridge over the river Thames in the centre of London it ended up a fail are after he lost the support of London Mayor Sadiq Khan in April 2017 and it had cost £53 million.

The transport for London review showed the Garden Bridge Trust spent £161,000 for the website and £417,000 for a gala. The bridge design cost more than £9 million and the charity paid the higher up staff £ 1.7m.

This project was abandoned in August 2018. when a review said it should be scrapped.

In 2015 Transport for London and the Department for Transport has put £30 million each of them to build up to £60 million public funding. However, the TFL would now pay a final 5.5 million pounds of public money to the trust as part of the project cancellation agreement, which the transport body said it was 40% lower than what it could been.

They had to refund the donors including to a winner from the garden bridge auction.

Tom Coplay is an member of Labour’s London Assembly, where he finds it irritating to see the cost of the Boris mismanaging bridge continued to increase for London taxpayer.

David Cameron, the prime minister, because he was excited to Boris’s project going well, why he stepped in to overrule the guidance of Senior Civil servants in order to extend the support for the bridge.

“The garden bridge on the River Thames is like a tiara that lost its shine and died out” Said Tom Edwards

Caroline Pidgeon the chair of the London Assembly’s transport believes the detail of the costs on that garden bridge with a final proof that this project was a complete idiocy.

Alex William the Director of City Planning at TfL were trying to make sure the costs of public kept to minimum. The Garden Bridge Trust has been wasting the money in a way no responsible charity should have performed. This idea of bridge was supposed to be a memorial to Princess Diana, which was suggesting by Joanna Lumley date back as far as 1998.

George Osborne, the Chancellor also supported the project.

This project had been attacked of over it’s is funding and lack support from some decal people

Dame Margaret Hodge suggest that it would be best to abandon this project instead of risking any more uncertain cost, so Mr Johnson was called before London Assembly to give evidence that the project is a complete failure.

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